Saturday, November 28, 2009

Color Memorie

Have you ever seen a loge that when ever you look at it the colors are what you remember mostly. when you look for a can a soda, you see a can with red and white, is it coke you're thinking of? blue and red, you think of Pepsi. Your mind can memorize things not only through words and numbers, but colors. companies like to use colors to make people remember their products easily, and to associate the colors with their products.
Logos are similar to products too. the color combination's that are made can affect the way you remember such logos. uses a tinted orange and blue in their logo and the layout for their website. these colores will be associated with the website, there for when someone thinks of there see the colors together the will think of amazon subconsciously. is a black, white, and red, color scheme. the colors layers with the black font on the white and the white font on the red. simple but memorable.

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