Sunday, November 29, 2009

Women Color their psyche too

Women, seen as motherly, warm, caring. The image of a women is beauty and smarts, so don't they also have colors that will match this? Well in their minds they do, naturally like men they have a set color coding system to make them choose a product.

White, purity, innocence, isn't that what society pins woman as? For most women that is what they want the world to see them as. there is also the fact that when they choose a product to by it looks clean and pure for them. their minds see a product using white as a base color and makes them double check the item they just saw.

, the color that is instantly associated to being "girly," because it is a warm, and soft color. Women find this color in their minds because of the way it react to their motherly instincts and due to this it is an excellent way for companies to draw them into their products.

Purple, usually seen as a feminine color, but it is also considered royalty. women can relate to the color as power yet with a female touch. Most market though will not make it a dark purple but a tinted purple, so to seem soft and delicate for women minds to read.Yellow, seen as a warm color to look at, sort of like women have that warm, bright smile. Marketing the color yellow is difficult to do but it seems that the color is seen more attractive to women than men.

1 comment:

  1. I agree major-ly with this! Seeing any of those colors I know I am definitely be attracted so. Purple I tend to stray towards.
